For a brief three year period, Mantua in conjunction with Matchbox collectibles developed and produced a series of three limited edition HO scale, electric train sets. The first set was released in traditional red and green Christmas colors and featured an F7 Sharknose diesel engine, a 40-foot boxcar with opening doors, a flat car carrying two exclusive early 1900's Matchbox cars, a single-dome tank car, and a traditional caboose. The following year in 1996, they released a holiday set in black and silver. Only this time, the engine would be a GP30 diesel locomotive and the flat car would carry two exclusive sport's cars from the 1950s, a Thunderbird convertible and a 57 Chevy. The following year in 1997, they advertised the third set in maroon and gold. I ordered the set, but it was never officially released and my order was canceled, most likely due to low demand.
Regardless of the short run, the two sets that made it to production are high quality with attention given to accents and detail. Each set also included an AC/DC power pack and a set of straight and curved railroad track. This was before the introduction on snap-track and was nickel-plated. After almost fifteen years in storage, I decided to set up my 1995 release with our Christmas decor. After nearly twenty-two years, the engine runs exceptionally well with low noise, a steady headlight, and smooth continuity at all speeds. Worth every penny in my opinion and not easy to find on the secondary market Check out my video below.
1995-1996 set in action.
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