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Armed and Dangerous Book 1 and 2 "Links to all chapters"

Below you will find chronological links to all 17 Chapters of "Armed and Dangerous," A G.I.Joe Origins Story.  At the bottom of th...

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Christmas Tree

     Hello everyone, I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Saturday etc.  I, like most people in the old US of A, had to work this wonderful weekend.  I spent five hours of my day Friday and ten hours of my Saturday working for the man, while others slept in, or spent time with their families, or Netflix.
     As was completely expected, I got absolutely no time to do any serious writing involving my current novel.  This is actually the first writing I have done in the past two days.  You're welcome!  (I'm kidding of course)  So back to the point of my post.  Friday, after spending my early morning and mid day at my second J.O.B., I went home to continue the Christmas festivities, or as I like to call it the "Madness."
     My wife is an absolute Christmas fanatic, who I sometimes refer to as the Christmas Nazi.  She has an extremely rigid way of doing things for the holidays and seldom wavers in her techniques.  The day after Thanksgiving is devoted to decorating the tree. Now, you might say, "How long can that really take?"  Hello, news flash! The entire process took nearly eight hours on Friday.  We started around 2:00 p.m.and finished somewhere around 9:30.  My wife is extremely meticulous about her decorating.
     How meticulous? You might ask.  Well, let's just say that everything on the tree needs to be in exactly the right place and if it's not just so, it will be removed and re-positioned until perfection is reached.  It is an almost endless process and enough to drive the average person insane. She starts with the smallest ornaments on the top and a step stool.  This is followed by the slightly larger ones and larger and larger.  She tries really hard to get all of the best ornaments in the front and sometimes neglects the back of the tree. This continues until clip on birds, balloons and icicles are finally hung. "I think it's a sickness. But enough, who am I to say?"  Eventually, after placing several layers of ornaments and checking and rechecking their positions, the tree is finally ready to be lit.  "Totally insane, I know, but it sure looks magnificent when we are done!"
    Hope you enjoyed this and the pictures.  They really don't do the entire display any justice.  

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