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Armed and Dangerous Book 1 and 2 "Links to all chapters"

Below you will find chronological links to all 17 Chapters of "Armed and Dangerous," A G.I.Joe Origins Story.  At the bottom of th...

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Enter the Headhunters Chapter 2

Outside the corporation in the underground parking garage, the Headman was greeted by his similarly well-dressed chauffeur, who opened the right rear passenger door of an exquisite, black Bugatti Royale.  The chauffeur upon closing his door, then walked around front to take his own seat as the driver. Once he started the car and began to drive away, he looked at his passenger’s reflection in the rearview mirror.
          “How did everything go boss?  Did he take the deal man?”
The driver’s accent put some extra emphasis on the “A” in man betraying his Jamaican upbringing. His passenger’s face, however, revealed little of the recent business proposal.
“Come on boss, are you going to leave me guessing?
          The chauffeur was a bit younger in years but also had a ponytail, although his hair and complexion was a bit darker indicating the mixed lineage of his parents.  The lines of a shoulder holster were clearly visible through his top coat as he did little to conceal it, and even though it was still dark out, he wore a pair of dark, expensive, designer sunglasses.
          “Relax, Gristle, let’s just say that the good doctor made the correct decision. And should he not hold up his end of the bargain-- there will be swift and drastic repercussions. I highly doubt there is any problems.  He seems to be an intelligent man.”
The Headman took a long, deep, final puff, then extinguished his homemade cigar in the center ashtray.
          “Oh, how I love the fact that old cars still have actual ashtrays. None of these fake cigarette lighters and spare change holders. This car was built back when cars were still cars.
Gristle nodded in agreement, as he too appreciated the luxury on the automobile he was in charge of driving.
“Take me back to our New Jersey compound. I need to make some private phone calls. The airwaves here have---how shall I say it, too many ears.”  His chauffeur once again nodded in understanding while flipping on the turn signal in order to merge onto I-95 South
“I’ll have you back in no time boss. Do you need me to see to any other matters later?”
The well-dressed gentlemen stroked the sparse hairs on his chin as he struck a rather pensive pose.
“I believe our next shipment isn’t due in for another two weeks.  Check in with your contacts in Homeland Security and find out when we can expect our goods.  In the meantime, instruct a pair of Headhunters to keep watch over our warehouse on the pier in order to make sure that there are no unwanted visitors snooping around.  I also need you to run a shipment out to ‘the Samhain’ in the Pine Barrens.  There are a couple of prospective buyers for our new product and the southern exposure will only further expand our hold on the state.”
“With pleasure Sir. Do you want me to meet up with Raul and Veritax as well?  They’ve also been requesting some more Spark and of our specially blended opiates for distribution.”
Gristle continued to drive, while eagerly awaiting the reply.
“Hold up until you hear back from me. I don’t fully trust either one of those two.  If anything, see what else you can dig up on their pasts and whether or not I can bring them fully into the fold.  But enough talk, for now, I have many other important matters in need of my personal attention at the moment, and I need some time to think.”
With that, the Headman elevated the electric, soundproof privacy divider shutting himself off from the front of the car. There would be no conversation between the two men for the next hour and a half of the ride.  The expensive car eventually navigated to the streets of Irvington, a ghetto town where it seemed more than a bit out of place.  The Bugatti caught the eye of several of the local street thugs as it stopped for a red light on the corner of Springfield Avenue and 21st Street. 
Seeing an opportunity to score a sweet ride, a group of three hoodlums darted with guns in hand into the intersection. Before the unruly gang could even get within range to hold the car up, they were surrounded by a dozen or so armored soldiers wearing Kevlar vests with a solitary spiked shoulder pad and donning full-face-concealing, mirrored helmets, who had emerged from the surrounding buildings to flank the car. Each of the soldiers wielded a sawed-off shotgun equipped with a silencer and did not hesitate to aim them at the unfortunate trio.
“Whoah! Whoah! We don’t want any problems,” the lead thug offered up upon seeing the assembled group. “We just wanted to get a better look at the wheels, Holmes!”
The driver noticing the commotion just outside put the car into park, knocked three times on the dividing glass and exited the vehicle in order to open the right rear door.  The Headman emerged still wearing his bandit-style mask that concealed the area around his eyes and nose. In his right hand, he brandished a gold-plated Beretta. He was immediately flanked by three well-armored soldiers who dropped back into formation on his right, left and rear. He confidently strolled in the direction of his would-be carjackers.
“Is there a problem boys?”
The three thugs did not know what to do after realizing whose car it was that they had just tried to hijack, although they should have known better just based upon the sheer opulence of the ride.
“No, we’re sorry Mr. Headman, sir. I swear we didn’t know it was you!  Sweet wheels though man!”
They smiled wryly as they tried to backpedal their way out of the situation. Holding up their hands in a non-threatening posture, they began to take a few steps back in the direction from which they had come. The drug overlord seemed unconvinced and delivered his response from between his heavily armed guards.
“No, I’m sure you didn’t, but you’ll never make that mistake again. Ventilate them, boys!” 
The three men screamed in protest, but their cries were quickly extinguished by a barrage of silenced shotgun rounds. In a matter of a few short seconds, the three unfortunate gangbangers lay dead in the street.
“Should we dispose of the bodies boss?”  The lead Headhunter inquired.
“No, Alpha, leave them right where they are so that the rest of the community knows that any form of violence towards us, even accidental, will not be tolerated.  Be sure to search the bodies though and make certain that there is some incriminating evidence to be found by the authorities linking them elsewhere, then have the stormtroopers return to their posts.”
The well-dressed man spun around on the toes of his expensive shoes and returned to the security of his exorbitant vehicle.  His chauffeur promptly closed the door after he entered, and resumed his role as the driver. They proceeded through the now green traffic light and traveled four additional blocks before eventually turning left. About half a mile up the road, the antique automobile turned into an underground parking garage located beneath Tía Marías Grosería and El Cine.  The Jamaican born Mr. Rogers produced a clearance card which he swiped at an electronic scanner allowing him to drive through what appeared to be a gated area located at the far left end of the garage.  Once through, the car drove onto an elevator and was carried to a secret lower level.  The Bugatti pulled off the elevator and parked in a spot labeled “One.” After turning off the car and exiting, Gristle opened the rear door allowing his boss to exit.
“Thank you Danimal.  Please let me know as soon as you get any of the information I inquired about. That will be all for now.”
“I’ll get right on it boss.”
The Headman waved his hand in a rather dismissive fashion as he unlocked a doorway on the left. Once inside, he activated the locks, then removed his jacket and mask before sitting down on a comfortable black and white zebra-striped leather couch.  He flipped open the screen of his personal laptop, logged on, then clicked on the icon to activate a video conferencing program.  Before initiating his call, he checked the clock on the wall and calculated the local time in California.  Satisfied that his mother would still be awake, he clicked on the connect icon. The line trilled for a moment and an older woman with gray hair and sunken eyes suddenly appeared on the screen. She was sitting on a bed next to a much younger, Hispanic woman.  The Headman recognized her as the regular live-in nurse that he had hired to tend to his mother’s medical needs.
          “Hello, Momma.  Lucia, if you could excuse us un momentito por favor.”
“Of course Seňor.  I will check back in veinte minutos.”
The nurse promptly stood up and excused herself from the room.
“How have you been? I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier, but I got a little tied up at work.”  The older woman’s face didn’t seem to recognize him at first but then contorted up into a huge smile.
“Oh! My dear Milo, no need to apologize.  I know that your job keeps you very busy son. Will you and Violet be joining me for dinner tomorrow? You know that girl of yours is really a keeper!”
“Momma, how many times do I have to tell you this? Violet won’t be joining us for dinner any time---”
He started to get angry, but then he remembered the dementia his mom had been suffering from as of late.  The doctors said it was still early in her diagnosis, but they could not predict how long it would be before she failed to remember any of her family or friends.  As it was now, whenever he called or stopped by, she addressed him by his dead brother’s name. Did she even know who he was anymore?  He broke away from his personal thoughts and continued to smile at his mother.
“Of course Violet and I will be over for dinner tomorrow.  Will you be making your world-famous pot roast? You know how much we enjoy it. That and your delicious broccoli casserole.”
The whole conversation was a sham.  In two hours, she would forget that he even called, but that didn’t in any way change the fact that he could never abandon his mother.  Their bond was far too strong. She had been there for him throughout everything in his life.  He gave the woman a lot of credit for being able to raise him, his brother and two sisters after his deadbeat of a dad deserted them all those years ago.  And for what reason? Because his sister had autism? Because mom gained some weight? No, he left because he was nothing more than a humongous waste of life.  He had been little more than an abusive, philandering, misogynistic alcoholic for most of his life.  That’s all he ever was.  His mother was an absolute angel and didn’t deserve the life she had been handed. As far as he was concerned, all his dad had ever done was donate the sperm needed to create his family.  Beyond that, the man didn’t matter.  One day, however, he vowed that he would track him down, if that worthless piece of excrement still drew breath, and put a bullet in his head.  One day.  He forcefully threw the glass ashtray in front of him across the room, where it shattered against the wall. Oh, how he despised the man!
“What was that sound, Milo?”
“It was nothing mom. I think Violet dropped one of the dishes. So Momma, what else did you do today? Did you watch your soap opera?”
It amazed him how he could switch his emotions from rage to love so effortlessly.  Maybe he wasn’t the sociopath that others accused him of being because he still felt, he could still empathize.
“Oh Milo, It was insane! There was a terrible triple murder today.  Three of the main characters were shot dead, right in the middle of Springfield Avenue.  The police were called in to investigate, but they left me hanging and didn’t tell me who did it.  Do you know who committed the crime, Milo?”
The Headman realized then, that she had once again confused her soap opera with the ten o’clock news.  Funny how it hadn’t even been an hour since the street execution, and already it was being broadcast on the evening news on the other side of the nation.  It warmed his heart to know that the actions of his organization had garnered so much attention, and so quickly.  Clearly, the authorities were not stupid, they wouldn’t think the triple homicide was anything other than a street assassination between rival drug gangs, but why would his mother even bring it up? Something about the whole interaction struck him as odd.
“Oh I don’t know mom, I was at the supermarket during today’s episode and didn’t get to watch the DVR recording yet.  I’ll do that later. We can discuss our theories over dinner tomorrow.”
The lies just continued to flow out of his mouth like a running river.  At first, it was difficult for him, but as her condition worsened over the past several weeks, it proved to be a necessary evil.  He truly loved his mother and simply wished for the times when she was still lucid and had her memories intact, but those days seemed long gone now.  The only way he could deal with her current situation was by treating it as if it didn’t exist.  She wasn’t going to remember anything he said anyway so, the least he could do was continue to act like everything was normal.
“OK Milo, Momma is feeling a little tired.  What time can I expect you and Violet to be by tomorrow? I wouldn’t want the food to be cold when you get here.”
“I’ll, I mean, we’ll be by around 1:30.  Until then sleep well.  I love you, Momma.”
“I love you too, son.”
The computer screen turned to face the other side of the room a few seconds later and then went blank as his mother’s live-in health assistant disconnected their visual call.  He sat and pondered the situation for a few moments.  It bothered him that his mother didn’t recognize him. What bothered him more was that she didn’t even realize his brother and sister-in-law had been dead for close to three years.  This further asserted the fact that her dementia was progressing, and at a rather alarming rate. Violet had always been his mother’s favorite, outside the family member, and she was ecstatic when Milo had asked her to marry him all those years ago.  Now perhaps, her mind was holding onto that happy memory instead of, the awful tragedy that had befallen the two.
Mom had always wished that he too would someday find a girl just as special, but the Headman never did, nor did he ever desire that lifestyle.  He was happy doing things the way he was and besides, where were his brother and sister-in-law now?  Oh yeah, that’s right, they were both dead.  Six feet under pushing up daisies at Saint Michael's. All because some hopped up psychotic with a gun had mugged them in an alley outside of the theatre district in New York and his brother tried to be a hero.   So, for all that perfect life and love, the two of them were not even here to enjoy it.  It was all a terrible waste, and that’s why he was quite content being alone.  Occasionally, he would bring home some exquisite, young woman to spend the night, but he never allowed it to be anything more than a short distraction from his work.
He leaned forward in order to open a rather ornate humidor located on the coffee table in front of him. Upon doing so, he withdrew a rather expensive imported Cuban cigar.  After closer inspection and taking in a deep appreciation of its aroma, he ignited the end.  He inhaled deeply and savored the flavor and the feeling that the thick smoke produced in him.  He felt dragon-like as the trails of smoke exited his nostrils and began to fill up the room.  He would enjoy this special cigar for at least thirty more minutes and then fall fast asleep.
The next morning he was up early and focused once more on the task at hand. Once again, he opened the video conferencing software on his laptop. Only this time, he clicked on the icon to activate a cloaking beacon.  He secured his bandit-like mask and placed a wide-brimmed fedora on the top of his head.  Only then, did he proceed with the call.
The line trilled once, twice and then a third time before a rather anxious looking middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a large, bulbous nose appeared on the monitor.  He seemed frazzled and bleary-eyed at first, but then managed to string together a coherent sentence.
“Well hello Mr. Headman, I wasn’t expecting your call today. And so--- early to say the least.” The drug lord laughed to himself briefly forgetting the difference in the time zones.
“No, I’m sure you weren’t, but alas, here I am. Do you have a recollection of the previous matter we discussed?”
“Of course I do sir.  Is it a done deal?”
“Soon to be. All I need from you now is to reactivate the company patents and to revoke the sanctions and warnings printed on his previous products.  Oh, and I will need them repackaged and restocked for sale with a new name within the week.  Can you get that accomplished?”
“Umm… well, that is a rather short window of operation sir,” the rat-like man stuttered.
          “What if I threw in not having your wife and daughter murdered in a carjacking later this afternoon?”
The Headman leaned into the screen to make his grim expression all the more noticeable. After a few tense moments, he laughed aloud breaking the awkward silence. The man on the other side of the screen forced himself to laugh as well, although not as heartily.
 “Come on Maurice, you know I’m only joking. How long have you and I been friends?”
“Quite sometime now sir.”
“I went to your daughter’s baptism for Christ’s sake! Can you get it done by then or not? If you can, I’ll sweeten the pot a bit with an extra 25K to take the family on a nice vacation. Have you taken the children to Disney World yet?”
The middle-aged, balding man took a deep, steadying breath and began to relax, he even managed a genuine semi-smile.  The Headman could see the wheels turning in the adjuster’s head as he paused before tendering his response.
“I’ll have to make a couple phone calls and cash in a few favors, but I should be able to get it done. No worries. I assume it will be the usual form of payment?”
“But, of course. Direct deposit from an untraceable source. I look forward to speaking with you real soon.  Kiss your wife and hug the children for me.  You and I will have to grab dinner and drinks soon.” Maurice politely smiled and nodded before he ended the video call.

The drug kingpin leaned back in his comfortable chair, this time lighting one of his specially-blended cigars, and took a good, long drag.  Phase one of his plan would soon be complete.  If all went according to plan, he would soon be positioned as one of, if not the, biggest player in the North American illegal drug market.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Armed and Dangerous Book 2 "Enter the Headhunters" Chapter 1

It was late September in Connecticut and the leaves had already started to change color, a bit early for the northeastern part of the United States, but not unusual. Bacro Industries had been floundering as of late, and it had become increasingly more difficult for its chief CEO and co-founder, Doctor Vincent D’Alleva, to keep the electricity on and the doors open for business.  Once housing the creative minds of nearly one hundred and fifty employees, the corporation was currently running on a skeleton crew of just six. In the early 1980’s, it had been much easier to navigate around the government regulations put in place for an environmentally-friendly company, but the 1990s and beginning of the new millennia, had made it more and more difficult for the company to continue being profitable, while operating within the new, stricter limitations of the EPA.
The once lush and dark colored hair of the doctor had begun to show signs of thinning and silver highlights.  Each day, as he slipped further and further into debt and depression, he became more and more desperate to save his beloved company, and his life’s work.  
His early college years had been occupied by majoring in environmental science with a minor in botany. After graduation, his thirst for knowledge led him on the road to earning a Ph.D. in organic chemistry. His life’s dream had focused around being the creator of a fertilizer that could ultimately put an end to starvation in the world by exponentially increasing the growth rate and overall yield of the world’s staple crops like corn, wheat, and rice. Over the years, the cost of chemicals had increased and many became easily expendable due to volatile interactions and shorter shelf lives.  Updated chemical formulas using substitute reactants did not always produce the desired results and even though Vincent had been successful at creating a profitable plant food, the most recently updated EPA regulations now classified it as something that might be ecologically harmful to the environment, and a possible carcinogen.
This resulted in his previously successful fertilizer being pulled from the shelves, and in him spending a multitude of hours in the lab, frantically trying to create a new formula, but with little success. With the lack of a profitable product on the market and a multitude of government fines, the future of his company was imminently growing bleak.
“The government limits my use of phosphates.  What do they know? Phosphates make plants thrive.  It’s not my fault that the farmers are incompetent and continue to overuse them! I didn’t make the runoff from their farms contaminate the nearby lakes, rivers, and streams. They can’t blame me for the misuse of my product!” He angrily smashed his fist onto his desk.  “The packaging is clearly marked with the appropriate guidelines and precautions! It worked exceptionally well in the 80s, and can still be used with the same results today!”
The frustrated scientist had literally begun to pull his hair out in clumps. The pending collapse of his biochemical and pharmaceutical empire was taking an enormous toll on his mental and physical health.
“Why had I been so stupid?  Why didn’t I save some of my money and invest it when I was making it? I can’t believe that I succumbed to the overwhelming pressure to succeed, and now, it has slowly driven everything good from my life!”
Vincent blamed the demise of his marriage on his company’s floundering, but in reality, it had ended because his work had become his obsession.  He had shut out his supportive and loving wife of ten years, completely alienating her.  As a result, she recently filed for divorce and had taken away his son, Antonio, and his pride and joy, little Isabella.  This latest development left him heartbroken, lonely and severely depressed.
As he stared at the ever-growing pile of government and bank notifications on the desk, his eyes drifted to the small, gold-framed photo of his two beloved children.  Overwhelmed with emotions, and realizing that he might never see them again only caused him to further spiral out of control. As he tried to focus through his now blurry, tear-soaked eyes, his utter exhaustion caused him to imagine that his children were mocking him.  The more he pleaded with the photo of his cherished offspring, the more they laughed, causing him to feel more and more like the ultimate failure.  He walked over to the corner of his spacious office and opened the door to his personal closet. After removing all his coats and suit jackets from the clothing rod, he unbuckled and removed the belt from around his waist.  Still facing the photo of his precious children, he attached one end of his belt to the closet rod and began to create a noose with the other.
His desperation was fast turning into hopelessness as the feelings of failure continued to torment his mind. The audible chime emanating from the clock on the wall reminded him that it was two in the morning, and he had once again pulled an all day and night shift. Vincent stared at the noose in his hands and was close to ending his misery when he heard two loud knocks coming from his office door.
Thud! Thud!
“Who could possibly be here at this hour?”  
          His initial thoughts told him to simply ignore it and proceed with his original plan, but then the knocks happened again. Only this time, more forcefully.  
Thud! Thud! Thud!
“Dr. D'Alleva, I know you’re in there.  I was wondering if I might  have a word with you?”
He paused for a moment not recognizing the voice. Was it another government auditor? A tax collector? Who could possibly be requesting an audience with him at this hour?  He looked down at the homemade noose in his hands one more time, briefly contemplated sliding it over his head, but then made the decision to open his door and invite his visitor in.
Thud! Thud! Thud! The sound reverberated once more as he turned to face the office door.
“I’m coming! I’m coming! Hold your horses! Will you?”
As he spanned the several meters between his personal closet and the office door, he paused briefly before undoing the lock. Instead, he called out to the unknown person just outside.
          “Well?” He cleared his throat and wiped his eyes vanquishing any remaining signs of his despair. “Who is it?”  There was a brief moment of silence before the unseen visitor responded.
“I’m a friend, someone who has taken notice of your--skills, and can offer you a way to save your currently crumbling corporation.”
“And why would you want to do that?” The doctor’s answer seemed perturbed, although, in reality, he was truly more intrigued.
“Quite simply--- Because I can.” Was the reply from behind the door.
Vincent completed the motion of unlatching the three deadbolts that secured his door and cautiously granted access to the unknown and unseen man.  Once the door swung open, he was greeted by a rather dapper looking, thirty-something-year-old gentleman.  He stood nearly six feet tall and was wearing a finely cut, pinstriped, purple suit.  His hair was blonde and pulled back into a long, neatly trimmed ponytail.  Adorning his head was a matching fedora with a black, satin hat band. His eyes and nose were obscured by a loose-fitting matching purple mask and his facial hair was carefully manicured into a fine mustache and small soul patch of a beard.
“I don’t believe that we have ever met Mr--?”
          “My friends simply call me the head man in charge.”
Doctor D’Alleva found it to be a rather odd name but wasn’t about to insult his unknown visitor and possible benefactor.  He simply shrugged and addressed the man accordingly.
          “Well, Mr. ‘Head Man in Charge’, how can I be of service to you at this rather late hour? Office hours are from eight to five Monday through Friday so, we  are typically closed at this time.”
The finely dressed man glanced down at his right wrist and rolled up his sleeve to expose a gold and diamond encrusted Rolex. The gentleman shrugged and politely motioned for him to join him at the desk.  Vincent seemed happy to oblige and as the pair walked over, his guest seated himself in Vincent’s high back leather chair behind his desk.
          “Hey! That’s my..."  His voice drifted off.  "chair.”
The stranger completely ignored his outburst and smiled while making himself comfortable.  After a few tense moments, Vincent reluctantly took the seat directly across from him on the opposite side of his desk.
“Now, Doctor D’Alleva, I think the time is right to discuss the topic of your world famous plant food.
“What’s to discuss? I’m ruined! The government has forced me to stop producing it, and--- they’ve banned the sale of it nationwide!  They claim it contains way too many harmful chemicals that are unsafe for the environment.”
As the doctor began to explain his dire situation, the Headman simply held up his hand dismissing his response.
          “Rubbish! What if I could get the government to approve the sale of your products once more?”
He let the question hang in the air for a brief moment.  The doctor’s facial features started to show renewed signs of hope at this proclamation.
“You could do that?” His eyes opened widely as he posed the query.
          “I sir can do many things.  For a price of course.”
Vincent suddenly felt trepidation. As much as he tried to exude confidence,  the tremble in his voice clearly betrayed him, dripping with his fear and uncertainty as he stammered a response.
          “I...I can’t afford to take out another loan.”
“Who said anything about a loan? I help you, and when the time comes, you help me. It’s that simple.”
“What’s the catch?”
          “No catch Vincent.  You’re a brilliant botanist and biochemist and me--Let’s just say my business involves some rather exotic plants.  If you catch my drift.”
          The doctor pondered the stranger’s choice of words for a moment and then sheepishly responded in a half-questioning/ half-stating fashion.
          “Are you referring to marijuana and poppies?”
“One might say that.  So? Do we have an agreement, or not? I didn’t come all this way to waste my time and breath. I was told that you were a reasonable and educated man.”
          The well-dressed gentleman leaned back in his chair, putting both of his feet which were adorned in imported Italian leather, up on the desk. He then produced what appeared to be an expensive, Cuban cigar from an inside coat pocket. From his outside jacket pocket, he retrieved an engraved, gold cigarette lighter encrusted with multiple diamond accents. The engraving read D.H.M., which the astute doctor took a mental note of.  The mysterious man lit his cigar and then slipped the shiny object back into his jacket pocket.  Puffing on his cigar, he began to inhale the green, intoxicating fumes.  Doctor D’Alleva contemplated the offer for a moment and then extended his hand indicating that he wanted to shake on the deal.
          “Well alrighty then.” Noticing his extended hand. “But first join me by having a little of this.” 
     He passed the strange smelling cigar to Vincent in order for him to partake in a full drag.  “Give me a couple days to make the necessary phone calls, and I’ll have you be back in business within a month. No one will be bothering you with any of these ridiculous, mandatory, ecological regulations. Your fertilizer will be back on the shelves of the top five Lawn and Garden chains, and then you and I can get down to some more important business.”
          Letting his last words trail off, he took back his cigar and after taking a deep drag, exhaled a large plume of the thick, green smoke into the biochemist’s face. Vincent coughed a little, but then reached for the home rolled cigar again. This time, he took in the sweet and intoxicating fumes more deeply.  Feelings of deep euphoria began to slowly overtake him, as more of the smoke from the exotic herbs filled his lungs and began to saturate his bloodstream.
They continued passing the joint between them for at least another ten minutes before the Headman finally offered his hand, which Vincent readily gripped and shook.
“Get some rest Doctor D’Alleva.  I’ll be in touch soon, and for God’s sake put your belt back on! You have a business to run after all.”
The well-dressed man then got up from the desk, tipped his hat and let himself out of the office.  Vincent continued to recline in his chair as the lingering plumes of smoke continued to creep into his lungs and permeate his mind.  He felt overly relaxed and acknowledged that it had been far too long since he had felt this way.  He glanced once more at the clock on the wall. The whole encounter took less than thirty minutes, but so much had transpired.  Vincent turned his gaze upon the couch in the corner of the room that had served as his bed on more than one occasion as of late. Getting up from his chair, he felt a bit light-headed but comfortable as he once again secured the locks on his office door. He then crossed the room gathering up a pillow and a blanket from amongst the pile of items previously removed from his closet.  He unhooked his belt from the closet rod, placing it on top of the pile of clothing removed from the closet. Turning to once again close the door, he then made up the couch, lay down and tried to sleep.  He knew that morning was fast approaching, and that he needed to get some much-needed rest.  As he stared up at the ceiling tiles, he questioned himself aloud. 
“Did I really just strike up a deal with a possible drug lord?  Is that even possible? What was I thinking? Oh well. Desperate times make for strange bedfellows.”

As his mind continued to swirl due to the combined effects of the drugs and his renewed lease on life, eventually the beginnings of slumber crept in.  He was still seeing stars as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Teaser Picture of things to come Book 2 "Enter the Headhunters."

Image result for headhunter gijoe

Image courtesy of

     The Headhunters are a group of organized drug dealers led by the nefariously cunning Headman.  His second in command is Jamaican-born, Danimal "Gristle" Rogers.  Before the group became a subsidiary of the Cobra underworld, they attempted to take control of the vast North American, illegal drug trade.
     Will they succeed?  Or, will G.I.Joe answer the call with their own group of highly-trained drug operatives?  Find out in Book II of the "Armed and Dangerous" series when "Enter the Headhunters"


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Epilogue Armed and Dangerous

          The Cobra ground-borer had easily made its way to an underground series of tunnels.  Even if the G.I.Joe team followed them, they would have been hard-pressed to track them down.  The underground network of tunnels was extensive, to say the least.  The group would lay low for a day or two, and then make contact with Cobra Commander and await further orders.  Crystal Ball stared at the computer screen to monitor the brainwave activity of the departed Joe infiltrator.  He smiled knowing that his suggestive message still lingered in the back of this Joe’s mind. 
I shall call upon you again Pathfinder. This I can promise. Indeed.
*    *     *     *     *
          Lieutenant Alkeenen was quick to offer his services at rebuilding the Marine outpost, but instead, his dossier caught the eye of the G.I.Joe team before he could be assigned to that mission.  In fact, several days later Stalker approached him to discuss his future plans in the military:  Even inviting him to take part in a special mission on the other side of the globe.  The master of disguise could not believe his luck, well no, he knew the caliber of the man he was impersonating, but he didn’t expect to be pulled into the fold so quickly.  The undercover Zartan gave all the correct answers and was quick to accept the Joe team’s offer of employment.  He would join the mission, gain their trust, and later sell his information to the highest bidder.
*      *     *     *     *

          Gnawgahyde upon noticing the return of the Joe team decided it was high time to abort his mission.  The next vehicle to exit the Pit would be his ticket out. He had had quite enough of the G.I.Joe ventilation system, and knew when to make his escape before being detected.  He had studied quite a bit of the underground Joe headquarters and knew that the intelligence he could provide others would far outweigh the money he would have received for the two cheetah cubs.  There would be other customers and other opportunities and as much as he hated to admit it. He missed Bacon.

Follow the future adventures of Armed and Dangerous and the Joe and Cobra teams in Armed and Dangerous Book II "Enter the Headhunters."
I would love to continue sharing book 2 chapters with you on my blog, but it would be nice if I could get just a little feedback to know what you liked, disliked, would have liked to have seen etc.  I know shameless request, but even a note that you red it would let me know that my story is out there and gave you some modicum of enjoyment.  Book II is a little darker and will touch upon the ipioid epidemic, the Headhunters, Dreadnoks, and DEF team formation.  I greatly enjoyed writing it and am currently fleshing out Book III. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Chapter 16 Armed and Dangerous

Chapter 16
          I met up with Flint and the other Joes I had met a month earlier back at the Pit.  We thanked them for rescuing us and some of us agreed to remain behind to begin rebuilding the previously overrun Marine outpost.  Pathfinder also returned with us, removing his Cobra uniform and replacing it with his mirrored sunglasses and side-upturned Bowie hat.  I would return with Mainframe and the others aboard the Joe convoy.  Several Army infantrymen and women also stayed behind to fortify the regained military base.  The Cobra prisoners were loaded into one of the APCs for transport to the nearest military prison.  They would later be questioned and placed before an international court for their crimes. 
I couldn’t wait to get back to the Pit to see my furry companion.  It had been a little over a month, but Lady Jaye informed me that Spirit and some of the other Joes had taken good care of my cheetah cub.  I wondered if he would even remember me when I got back.  I asked the Joes what would become of Croc Master and the others.
“Cobra has a nasty habit of slithering away in a fight and hiding under a rock waiting for their next opportunity to strike,” Flint was quick to point out.  “You and the rest of the G.I.Joe team will continue to do what we do by bringing these war criminals to justice and foiling their attempts at world domination!”
“Wait, did I hear you correctly? Did you just say that I am a member of the Joe team?”
“I sure did soldier, Armed and Dangerous will officially be part of the team, as soon as I file the necessary paperwork with your superiors and the U.S. government.  Welcome aboard soldier!”
          As we descended the remaining distance on the underground elevator, I could no longer control myself.  “Permission to be dismissed, sir?”
“Permission granted.”
I saluted the warrant officer and the others and made my way back to the hidden room where Dangerous would be waiting.  As I peered into the room, I was ecstatic as his little head popped up inside his cage.  I quickly unlocked the latch and took him out. 
“Boy, you did grow a little since last I saw you!”
The cheetah could do little more than purr loudly as I continued to scratch his belly.  “You and I are going to be full-fledged members of the G.I.Joe team.”  Dangerous seemed as excited as I was at the news.  I pulled out two, ok three cans of cat food and fed him.  Afterward, I would give him a plenitude of ear scratches and belly rubs as he chirped in acceptance.
“Good to know you didn’t forget me.”
That night I had to give a debriefing of my time in the Cobra stockade.  I recounted my time with the strange Cobra hypnotist, who I now knew to be Crystal Ball.  I explained to the best of my ability the unique other enemy operatives who were known as Raptor, Big Boa and Croc Master.  It seemed all of them had succeeded in escaping capture.  Satisfied with my report, I was released to my own activities for the remainder of the day.  I chose to meet up with Mainframe, Clutch, and Pathfinder for dinner.  Hollow Point and Hidalgo had also been invited back to the Pit to join us. Pathfinder shared stories of his time inside the Cobra terrorist cell.  It was very interesting especially the part about the satellite transmission of the supreme Cobra leader.  He confided in us that the experience made him further understand why people in war-torn and other impoverished regions might be lured into the Cobra organization, but more so how he was happy to be home.  He paused for a brief moment and stared off into space.
 “Hey, Pathfinder, everything alright buddy?”
 “Yeah, I think I’m just exhausted from the mission. Nothing a few days of R and R won’t fix.”

In the back of his mind, he could still hear the melodic voice of the Cobra hypnotist calling him back into the fold.  He shook himself free of the memory as his friends cheered each other with a round of new drinks and a heartfelt “Yo Joe!”

Monday, October 22, 2018

Chapter 15 Armed and Dangerous

Chapter 15
We all assaulted the Cobra trainer at about the same time and actually managed to knock him off of his feet. I wrapped my arm around his thick neck in an attempt to cut off the flow of oxygen to his brain.  I had been fortunate enough as a teenager to train in Aiki-jiu-jutsu for about four years.  Although I had not achieved the level of black belt, I had learned many valuable locks and holds to assist me in hand to hand combat situations.  It reminded me of a time when I was fifteen years old.  I had recently been promoted to the rank of blue belt and a new student just joined my dojo.  He was ten years older than me and had earned a brown belt in Taekwondo a few years back.  He was overly cocky and a tad arrogant, and this day I happened to be the ranking student in the class.  As the ranking student, it was my duty to conduct the exercise routine, direct the falls and rolls, and to be the team leader for technique practice. At first, everything was going smoothly, but then he began disrespecting me and some of the other students in the class, saying that he could easily kick any one of us in the head and that our current ranks meant nothing to him. 
I was at first insulted, but I was also a bit cocky. So, I goaded him on a little bit.
“Really? Go ahead.  Let’s see.” 
He looked at me for a moment and began shaking his head.
“You don’t want any of this kid.” 
“Oh, but I do.”
I smirked as he stepped forward and directed a high front right snap lick directly at my face.  I quickly dropped to one knee and threw up a left high sword sword-arm block, with my right arm, while I swept out his planted left leg.  After knocking him to the floor, I sprung upon him and initiated a side choke by reaching deep into the right collar of his gi.  I leaned forward with my forearm and applied more pressure which caused him to tap out.  I immediately stepped off of him and offered him my hand to hoist him back to his feet, which he surprisingly accepted.  I bowed to him and then my Sensei. He never said a word about my rank again.
As I cinched in my choke tighter, Hollow Point locked in a left armbar while the others began kicking at his prone body.  It seemed like we might actually have the upper hand until he broke free of my choke and the armbar, and swept out the legs of the other standing Marines.  We were quick to our feet and back on the attack before he could fully prepare. He held up his hand and shook a finger at us like we were being disciplined by Mommy for doing something wrong.
“Not bad boys! But let me show you how real men fight.” The trainer whistled and in a matter of seconds, the Crocodile handler joined the fight. 
“What happened to you being able to take out all five of us on your own? I taunted him and scowled through gritted teeth.
“What can I tell you, boy? I lied.  Get used to it. War isn’t fair!”
*     *     *     *     *
The convoy took some outside roads to reach the established Joe units. They had covered the ground rather efficiently and were on time for their scheduled rendezvous.  Once visual contact had been established with Beach-Head, Recondo and the others, the formations would quickly be put together for deployment.  The convoy would arrive a little early to allow the field commanders to make any final adjustments and preparations.  Once the plans were confirmed, the USS Flagg would send in a squadron of Sky Strikers and Conquests.  The military vehicle names were new to Zartan and he tried to soak up as much information as he could about the upcoming assault.  He began to doubt the military might of the malicious Cobra Commander as the APC began to slow.  There was an exchange of salutes and a quick conversation in the roadway.  A rather tall, red-bearded man in jungle camouflage communicated the coordinates of the next meeting point to the lead vehicle’s driver, a Joe by the name of Steamroller.  The convoy then turned left and continued on its course.
          High above the canopy of sparse trees, a Cobra drone was transmitting continuous video surveillance to the terrorist organization.  The Commander watched from high atop his throne as the armored convoy moved within striking distance.  A second drone was encrypting a live video feed of the activity on the aircraft carrier and destroyer.  Had the head snake bitten off a little more than he could chew?  The Marine outpost seizure had simply been a ploy to divert attention away from the other actions taking place simultaneously on the African continent.  He needed to display strength, but at the same time, he needed to save face if and when the G.I.Joe team overran his small experimental base.  He completely expected the Joes to take back the outpost, but he had already succeeded in infiltrating the U.S. government and the anti-terrorist task force on more than one front.  He pushed the button to allow the visual panel to contact the good hypnotist once more. 
“Yes, Cobra Commander. How can I be of assistance on this wonderful day?”
 The hooded Commander leaned in close. “G.I.Joe will be upon your door ssstep shortly, defend the outpost with your troopersss, but do not take any unnecesssary risksss.  If the Joes take the bassse, so be it!  Get yourself and the other ranking officers out of the area, but do it dissscretely.  I already have everything I need to proceed with phase two of my ultimate plan.” 
          “But of course Cobra Commander, I will alert the others and make it look good. Indeed!”  As the screen faded to nothing more than a large, red, Cobra symbol then to black, the illusionist pondered the information and direct orders that he had just been given.  He had acquired roughly six dozen troopers at the compound and enough firepower to at least injure the incoming G.I.Joe team.  There would be some casualties, and he would not abort the base without making it appear as if there was no other option.  He pressed the transponder to signal for the others to meet with him immediately.
          As the alligator wrangler and the trainer assumed a back to back defensive, the five of us planned out our next move.  Three of us would descend upon Big Boa and the other two would attack the slightly smaller Croc Master. I nodded to Hollow Point and to the others as we lunged in at our opponents, it all seemed kind of pointless.  Even if we succeeded in subduing these two behemoths, experience had shown us that they would simply call in for more backup.  To hell with it!  I launched my attack at the groin of the boxing specialist.  My steel-toed boot scored a direct hit and Cpl Perez landed a second kick to his abdomen shortly thereafter.  The others were having similar success with their attack on the crocodile wrestler.  Croc Master took a step back from his attackers and removed his mouthpiece. Upon doing this he made a sort of snorting/low growling sound.  At first, nothing happened, then from the corner of my eye, I saw the first crocodile appear.  Then another and another. 
“He called his reptiles back up!”  I yelled to my companions as the first twenty foot gator rushed into the fray.  It was surprising but I knew that the large gators could only maintain their speed in short bursts.
          Ironically at about the same time, both men glanced down at their wrist communicators that were emitting a flashing Cobra symbol.
“All right troopers! It’s time to end this!”
A second low growl from Croc Master withdrew and dismissed the large reptiles. The surrounding circle of soldiers leveled their AK-47s at us. We had no choice but to throw up our hands and surrender. As the troopers proceeded to apprehend us, Big Boa repaid my previous valiant efforts with a well-placed kick to the solar plexus.  I hit the ground as the wind was driven from my lungs, but there was little more I could do at the moment to return the favor.  We were immediately forced at gunpoint back into the stockade.  The two ranking Cobra generals could be seen making a beeline into the command center.  As the door closed behind us, I distinctly only heard one click on the lock as opposed to the customary two.  Pathfinder winked at me, then turned to appoint the mandatory guards.
          The convoy arrived early with fifteen minutes to spare.  Flint sent a message to Admiral Keel Haul that they were in position and the rescue mission was on schedule.  As the news was delivered on the aft deck of the Flagg, a collective “Yo Joe!” erupted from the crew.  Several pilots and paratroopers made their way to their respective aircraft. The deck crew also lowered two Devilfish, small single-manned speedboats, from the main deck into the water below.  These would be piloted to the shoreline and anchored there in order to curtail any Cobra deserters should they take to the sea.  It was just about time to strike.
          Crystal Ball delivered the news to his companions.  They all nodded in full agreement with the plan, they would fight and cause havoc, but the main goal was to escape and rendezvous with the Commander in nearby Somalia.  Holding the base was no longer a priority.  It had served its purpose in drawing G.I.Joe out into the public eye.  What good was a top-secret, anti-terrorist organization if their faces were plastered all over the television screens of the world?
          The first Sky Striker engine broke the sound barrier and took off with its experienced pilot, a man by the code man of Ace, behind the controls.  Slipstream followed in his Conquest along with Dogfight, Duke, Maverick and several other highly trained members of the U.S. Air Force.  In four minutes, the first depth charges would be deployed, and then the ground troops would be in a position to overrun the seized compound.  If all went well, the skirmish would be over in a matter of no more than twenty minutes. 
          As the Joe air force approached from overhead, the first round of sidewinder missiles took out the northern and western guard towers.  The second volley of surface-to-air-missiles from the Conquests hit the roof of the established Cobra command center clearly blowing up the entire rear of the building.  Airborne, Rip Cord and Sky Dive had already parachuted out of their aircraft and were providing some air cover for the initial Joe attack.  The Warthog had no problem taking out the front gate of the compound and traversing the makeshift alligator moat.  US army infantry soldiers then breached the rear wall.  We could now clearly see the firefight from the confines of the prison.  Pathfinder came around front after the guards abandoned their post, and released the lock in full.  He told us to stay in place until he could guarantee our safety, but several of us already had other plans.
Several infantrymen came face to face with the crocodile security detail.  One soldier tripped and lost his left arm to the waiting jaws of a twenty-foot gator.  The Cobra falconer once again utilized his unique air force and dropped a bevy of grenades from above on the approaching foot soldiers and Vamps.   
          From a corner of the base, a well-hidden Cobra bazooka soldier leveled his launcher at the threads of the approaching Wolverine, scoring a direct hit on the threads.  The driver, a good looking blonde with the code name Covergirl, bailed out right before the devastating strike.  All in all, the battle appeared to be going well for the Joes.  Several Cobra soldiers had already been eliminated and others were quickly losing ground to the second squadron of US infantrymen.  The Cobra trainer was in the heat of the battle and had subdued at least ten of the approaching soldiers.  The whole time yelling words of encouragement to his troopers.  The attacking birds made a second volley of grenade showers but were unsuccessful in taking out the M.O.B.A.T.  Cobra was quickly losing the advantage by the time we escaped from the stockade.  We picked up the rifles of some of the fallen and enthusiastically joined in the fray.
          I searched the battlefield for Croc Master and Big Boa, but oddly I could not find either of the two large men.  Then we felt the ground rumble beneath our feet. My first inclination was to scream “Earthquake!” but did Kenya even have earthquakes?
*     *     *     *     *
          The first volley of depth charges quickly descended below the surface of the ocean.  The initial shockwaves clarified to Captain Seward and the Admiral that they had hit their mark.  But the ship’s sonar painted another picture.  Several torpedoes had emerged from the underwater base and were on a crash course with the Crockett. 
“Red Alert! Battle Stations everyone! We need to take out those torpedoes!”  As the ship gunners readied torpedoes of their own, a charge went off on the port bow of the Flagg.  Several small Cobra Sting Raiders had emerged from the depths and were firing upon the deck crew and the hull of both ships.  Two S.H.A.R.C.S were deployed to contend with the newest threat, and the first round of intercepting torpedoes was fired.
*     *     *     *     *
          Shortly after the rumbling, a large drill-like vehicle appeared towards the rear of the compound and we watched as several of the Cobra hierarchy entered through a side door.  A second bazooka soldier fired on Flint’s Warthog seriously damaging the front end and halting its advance.  As the M.O.B.A.T. leveled its 130mm anti-armor cannon at the large drill, the vehicle’s rear axle rose up and it took a sudden nose dive causing it to descend back under the ground leaving a gaping hole in its wake.  The Joe tank piloted by Steeler only succeeded in hitting the back end of the strange Cobra vehicle causing little if any damage. 
Moments later, the bevy of attack birds disappeared and in just under ten minutes, most of the remaining Cobra troopers began fleeing or surrendering.  Delta team had not even entered the battle but was standing ready to intercept any deserting Cobra soldiers.  At the conclusion of the battle, we accessed our losses.  Twenty-three Cobra troopers had perished in the firefight with an unknown number still buried in the rubble that was the command center.  Several G.I.Joes had minor injuries, Clutch had taken a gunshot to his shoulder and twelve US infantrymen lost their lives, with eight others receiving other non-life-threatening injuries. 
          The USS Flagg had succeeded in destroying three of the four fired torpedoes with only one inflicting any real damage to the USS Crockett.  The returning Sky Strikers, Conquests and S.H.A.R.C.s made short work of the enemy mini-subs.  Several lone Cobra frogmen had been aerated by the gunners on deck and quickly became shark food. The others that had been captured and forced on board died shortly after they were put in lockup from unknown causes. 
“It’s almost like removing them from the water had killed! Are they bloody fish?” Shipwreck was quick to point out that he had heard of similar experiments carried out during the cold war. 

The medical examiner would later confirm that they had drowned on land as a result of their gills drying out and not obtaining enough oxygen.  The skirmish at sea was over almost as quickly as the land assault, and there were only a few casualties on our side.