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Armed and Dangerous Book 1 and 2 "Links to all chapters"

Below you will find chronological links to all 17 Chapters of "Armed and Dangerous," A G.I.Joe Origins Story.  At the bottom of th...

Sunday, December 17, 2017

As promised an Excerpt from, "The End of Realms."

            The ground trembled as powerful shock waves of energy coursed through it. The surrounding air was suddenly filled with a most horrid, decaying stench and fog.  Nearby trees and shrubbery wilted under the onslaught, while the inhabiting creatures scurried off to find the safety of their underground abodes.  Amidst the dank and filthy cloud, two enormous glowing blues eyes could be seen, yet oddly enough, no bodily form could be discerned.  A deafening roar erupted from the dismal fog, and then… nothing.
            Mamatar Rognar was sitting in his antiquated study, amongst a pile of books and dusty ancient scrolls.  The aging dwarf had an uneasy feeling developing from deep within his gut.  The countryside had been peaceful and serene for most of his two hundred and fifty-three years of life, but now something was dreadfully wrong.
“Beware!  Beware!” A disturbing and shrieking cry emerged from the corner of the room.  Fla’ziel the raven, one of his most-beloved and ancient friends, grew tense and full of dread while sitting upon his window perch.  
The medium-sized, black, bird had seen so many winters that his feathers were now edged with silver. Mamatar attempted to calm his avian friend, but he knew this warning signified the beginning of a whole new world of turmoil, both for him and the denizens of this realm and others, some which he had heard mentioned only in whispers.  He could only hope that the signs and talismans he was viewing were still in their early stages, yet somehow, he knew, deep down in his heart, that this was untrue.
             Suddenly he felt a mental intrusion, a familiar voice he had not heard in quite some time. He peered out of his enchanted window to find the source of the telepathic message. His eyes fell upon the lone screech owl perched calmly in the high boughs of the great oak tree that had anchored itself outside his home some hundred plus years ago.  The normally nocturnal owl immediately met his gaze with extreme intensity. In fact, it seemed as if his stare could see right into his inner being.  It was then that the message shifted from merely calling his name to sharing a pertinent message.
I will begin to make preparations and do all that is necessary. Be prepared Mamatar Rognar!  Our days may all be numbered. For soon, we may need to prepare ourselves for entry into the Halls of the Gods.”
The Owl King, Sawertez, imparted images of fierce fires, gruesome wars, and those of his own beaten and bloodied body lying broken on the once lush green countryside.  Other visions included abandoned and orphaned children crying and clinging to the lifeless forms of their parents, only to be bludgeoned themselves by the whole-hearted blow of a spiked overhead club.  The disturbing images caused him to wince. Mamatar closed his eyes and shook his head to free himself from the vivid, disturbing barrage of telepathically-imparted visions. 
His previous suspicions were now confirmed; Mamatar knew what he had to do.  He would begin to make the necessary preparations while casting his own well-knowing glance at his trusted, feathered visitor.  In response, he sent his own telepathic message.
I too will make myself ready for this challenge.  I too will prepare and await their arrival.

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